Friday, January 27, 2012

What I loved about this week:

1.)  Watching Nicklaus running up and down the court, whistle in hand, all Coach Carter like when his fifth grade basketball team has a game!  AND when I bring after game celebration libations and a sweet littl'un  thanks him and calls him "Coach." How official.  Like a referee with a whistle.  Exactly like that.
2.)  Watching Grey's Anatomy seasons 1, 2, 3, AND 4.  Seasons 1&2 > than 3&4, and probably better than 5 will be, but hey, I'm committed.  Although I have to ask, if Dr. Shepherd is the most world renowned neurosurgeon, and Dr. Sloane is the best plastic surgeon, and blah blah blah everyone's the best, why do so many people die on that show?  Just sayin'...
3.)  Oh yeah, did i mention this little baby?
 Yeah, I suppose you could consider me a part of the in crowd now.  But not really because I still have to ask Nick how to every single little thing on it, even finding where my contacts are.  But hey, I can look cool, even if looks are deceiving...
4.)  The way Taylor (2 year old I nanny) has got non stop gas, and the cute way she says "Gooz me!"  everytime.  Who knew toots  could be so darn adorbs?
5.)  Lola kitty's new obsession with the bath and showers.  Every single time I get out of the shower, this is what I see waiting for me:

And then she proceeds to jump into the shower .

Happy Friday!!

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