Wednesday, March 14, 2012

hiking is just walking with a change in elevation....

 Boise city in the valley. (To make any city sound hicklike, put the word city after it.  Boston City, Miami city.  Also must be said with twang.  It works for even the flashiest of cities.  Exception: New York City.
 I crossed a guy wearing the exact same hat as me, considered making a comment like "nice hat!LOL!!", but he was running much faster than I...
Question:  Is an activity (such as hiking) still athletic if it can be done in a flannel?  Discuss.

Is what Mr. Boyfriend and I decided on Saturday when we went for an uphill jaunt in the foothills this past Saturday morn.  We woke up at the crack of 8 am (which is considered sleeping in at our household), and felt like doing some moderate hiking.  We drove to a trail head out off Bogus Basin, and  it was so delightfully breezy and warm and the sun was shining.  Despite us feeling slightly pathetic because we, two young healthy kiddies in their 20's, were doing this thing called "hiking" (aka uphill walking), while multiple 40-and-50-somethings with their wind resistant marathon gear, jogged past us in both directions.  Which made us question, what is hiking?  We both decided it was walking from one elevation to another, but hiking sounds much more rugged and athletic.  So really, we were hiking.  I mean, which would you say?  I just went on a treacherous, physically demanding, North-Face-esque hiking expedition, or I walked from point A to point B, which was slightly higher up than point A.  Personally I'm going to take the North-Facey option.  Never stop exploring.

Notice Nick's face in picture dos.  That is his "I'm not really interested in smiling for this picture, this is just a girlfriend requested mandatory picture smile" smile.  It is featured in many holiday and vacation pictures we have together.

Did somebody say vacation?!

Why yes, yes I did.  Because it reminds me that boyfriend up there and I are going on a 4 year anniversary/spring break vacay!! (Do people use the word vacay?  I feel like they do...)  We're going to go stay with my grandpa in wine country/San Francisco area.  And I'm excited times a billion.  There will be many pictures .  Hopefully enough stories so I won't have to go two weeks! without blogging again (oh, you thought I wasn't going to go there, but then I did.... awkward...)  Sorry bout that.

I supposed that's almost all I have to say.  Oh, and this past weekend I played a game called "but a bunch of whatever you have into the croc pot and hope something edible is turned out 8 hours lately"!  Are you intrigued?  I knew you would be...

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