Tuesday, April 24, 2012

banana bread: making tuesdays awesome since 9 am this morning

Nicklaus has a most wonderful little grandmama, who not only has an adorable scottish accent (still waiting for the perfect moment to ask her to say "They're ALWAYS after me lucky charms!"), but she also has this banana bread recipe that she has shared with us that produces little golden muffins of banana heaven. I've been eating a little bit healthier lately, following a diet I have personally designed and named the "Vegetarian Except for Cafe Rio Pork Barbacoa Salads... Oh and Fish Too" diet.  I like these as a dessert.  They have a little too much sugar and butter for me to consider this a brag-worthy breakfast (meaning I WILL eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  But there will just be no bragging of it afterwards, and if anyone notices I will distract them.  Just kidding.  Just kidding about being just kidding.  Wait... huh?  Now you're so confused that you don't even know what I'm talking about.  And that ladies and gentlemen, is the art of distraction.) But they do make a pretty guilt-free dessert, and still have just enough sweetness to keep me from shoving handfuls of mint Newman-O's into my mouth. Which, by the way, if you don't know what Newman-O's are, well then you simply have not lived.  But I digress.  Fact: 'nanner bread is the only way I will eat bananas.  Fruit and I have very big issues with texture, but we're working on them and only time will tell if we are able to put that behind us and grow together in the same direction, putting our differences behind us.  We go to therapy twice weekly, fruit and I.  


Without further ado, Grandma Aileen's Banana Bread, baby! 

3 mashed, ripened bananas
1 stick butter
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
A splash of vanilla
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 cups flour (golden stars given if you use wheat flour)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of salt

Mix, pour into muffin tins or loaf pan, and bake at 350 degrees until tops of muffins or loaf is golden.



Morgan said...

you were made to blog :) also i just cannot wait to see you this summer! also these sound delicious. also i love you.

Maria Camila said...

thank you for commenting on my blog, your blog is so cute =)& omg i must make this!

newest follower

xo, adropofbliss.blogspot.com

Katie Kemp said...

Mmmm! That sounds so good! I wish I could have bread...